[NEW] Sempre Gás by Supergasbras
Redesigning the experience for an innovative product
#UI Design #Innovation

Supertbot by Supergasbras
Optimizing a chatbot interface for gas sales, resulting in over a 40% boost in conversion rates.
#Chatbot #ConversionRate

Kiosk Prototype for City Administration
Self service totem made to help citizens to get their tax slip more quickly
#Service Design #Project Management #Prototype #Efficiency #Agile

B2B tool made for bakeries, with free online store and orders by WhatsApp
#Entrepreneurship #Product Design #User Research #Testing #Business model #NoCode Dev

Digital services for Juiz de Fora City Hall

O descarte.me foi um sistema beta, lançado em 2014, que informava ao usuário o tempo que faltava para a coleta de lixo ser realizada em sua residência.
Interaction Design, UI/UX