Project Summary
Supergasbras optimized their chatbot for gas sales, resulting in a significant increase in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. This case study explores the process, challenges, and results of the redesign project.
My role
- Led the redesign from inception to deployment
- Integrated insights from qualitative research
- Advocated for user-centric improvements
Primary Goals
Enhance User Experience:
Streamline the gas purchasing process through a user-friendly chatbot interface.

Increase Conversion Rates:
Optimize interactions to boost sales conversions significantly.

Achieve Operational Efficiency: 
Reduce bottlenecks and streamline order processes to ensure smooth operations.

Improve Customer Satisfaction:
Provide a seamless and efficient service that meets customer needs and preferences.

Leverage Technology:
Utilize advanced automation and user identification to personalize the user experience.

Interviewing and shadowing:
Structured interviews and service flow studied.

Collaborated with business and technical teams to identify improvement areas.

Customer Feedback:
Recognized that 70% of orders were via WhatsApp, emphasizing the need for an efficient chatbot
Detailed Analysis: 
Identified bottlenecks and areas for improvement in the existing chatbot flow.
Develop the best gas-selling chatbot in Brazil.

Focused on button clicks and streamlined interactions to enhance user experience.

Used neutral and universally accessible language.

Implemented automatic user identification for a personalized experience.

User Stories: 
Created scenarios illustrating how different users interact with the chatbot.

Technical Challenges: 
Overcame integration issues with existing systems.

Team Collaboration: 
Worked with marketing, IT, and customer service departments to ensure a seamless implementation.

Conversion Increase: Boosted conversion rates from 20% to 68.9%

Positive Feedback: Significant increase in top-grade customer evaluations.

Channel Utilization: Chatbot orders rose to 95% of total orders.

Metrics and KPIs: Improved response time, user engagement, and customer retention rates.
Long-Term Impact
The redesigned chatbot has become the primary digital sales tool for Supergasbras, providing long-term benefits for both the company and its customers by aligning technology with customer needs and fostering innovation.

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